First off, exciting news, our gate is finally repaired. Starting now, the gates are closed and can only be opened with an active fob.
With that being said, to anyone who has not yet paid their dues this year, please reach out and let us know that you will be sending in payment. We will be going through and deactivating fobs of all those who have not pay their dues by August 9th.
We're halfway through another NY summer! Drive safe and stay safe!!
Tides Board
On February 19, 2020, at least twenty-seven Brant (Branta bernicla) visited the Tides Beach. Brant breeds in the Arctic; winters along the coast south to California and the Carolinas. even a larger flock visited the Tides beach on April 13, 2021. Rarely seen here this flock most likely is migrating back to the Arctic. Brant never visit the interior of North America. They are similar to Canada geese but are smaller, shorter neck, and lack the conspicuous white cheek patch. Dark brown above with black head and neck, and an inconspicuous white mark on the side of the neck.
Migrating flocks can be identified at a great distance as they travel in erratic, constantly shifting bunches unlike the V-shaped flocks of Canada Geese or the long, irregular lines of Snow Geese.
See pictures below.
Tides Beach Property Owners Association
Tides Beach, P. O. Box 1042, Rocky Point NY 11778
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